Great Info About How To Get A Dk Flying Mount

You get it from dread commander thalanor he is.
How to get a dk flying mount. You can buy it in ebon hold. Post by ahmedo96 for the flying mount on the dk do you have to do a quest for it or do you get the training like any other class. Dk have the availability of a skeletal gryphon flying mount.
Really costs 1000 gold but reduced by reputation. This is the starting price without the discounts based on. It cost nearly 1k gold though, as you only need to buy one for 60% and 280% speed.
Having whistle by completing uniting the isles quest from khadgar in violet citadel (need level 110 and all broken isles reputations on friendly at least.) finished broken shore. From where to buy flying mount as a death knight, word of warcraft wrath of the lich king classicfrom where to get winged steed of the ebon blade, wow wotlk The hero's call board is trying to get me to start legion, battle for azeroth, and warlords of draenor.
The dk flying mount + flying skill + epic flying skill is about 600g more than griffon + flying skill + epic griffon + epic flying skill. Thanks for watching :)if you enjoyed it, pleeease leave a like :)subscribe, if you want to see my daily world of warcraft videos :) 280% speed epic flying speed on a regular griffon >>>>>.
Because all death knights start as friendly with the knights of the ebon blade, the actual starting price is only 950. The ebon hold for 1,000. And for the flying mount in northrend do you have to do a.